Good Morning.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I woke up this morning and walked into the bathroom and noticed a simple note on my mirror. This is why I could say it over and over and over again. I have one of the best friends in the land. Sara Rae. Why is she so good to me?
This just made my day. And today is a jam packed day with mounds of homework, cleaning and studying and now im looking forward to all of it because of a small and simple thing.

p.s. i just saw sara for the first time five seconds after i posted this. I thanked her for the note and she says, "too bad it was longer and then I erased it." all excited and curious as to what other nice things could she have written she continues..."I wrote,'wake me up if you wake up before me." Shoot... good thing I was the last one to wake up.

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